Demodesk Playbooks

Your real-time sales playbook

Automatically load the perfect pitch into every meeting. Engage prospects with interactive content and tailored playbooks using live insights synced to & from your CRM.

The perfect pitch for every meeting

Automatically load the perfect slides, websites & speaker notes into every customer call.

Structure and maintain your sales narrative with playbooks tailored to each customer conversation.

Handle objections with confidence

Easily navigate sales objections & answer critical questions with battle cards.

Instantly have all the guidance you need to seamlessly tailor each conversation to the prospect & keep the sale moving forward.

Create interactive WOW moments

Host professional meetings & engage customers by allowing them to interact with your product & meeting content.

Increase knowledge retention and supercharge engagement with the most interactive meeting experience available.

Automate CRM admin

Save time & improve data quality by automatically updating your CRM without ever leaving the call.

Take notes directly in your Demodesk meeting & instantly sync them to your CRM to easily update events, contact, opportunities, next steps and more.

Seamlessly connect to your sales stack

Manage and sync your sales collateral with your sales tools to automate meeting prep & start every meeting with the perfect pitch.

Start converting meetings into revenue today

4 Playbook Templates for Stronger Sales Calls

Create a consistent sales narrative for your team, faster

Download the Templates