AI Insights

Gain critical insights in seconds

Stop guessing. Stop assuming. Demodesk gives you an X-ray view of your sales performance, helps you understand where to improve at a glance and coach team members individually with 5% of your time.

“I can now review calls at scale without watching hours of recordings.”

Sales Team Lead

“We increased revenue growth by 15% after changing our playbook.”


“We understand where sales reps need to improve to hit quota, out-of-the-box.”

Sales Operations

Omnichannel experience

Review meetings 10x faster with a powerful X-ray view

  • A single, searchable recording library for all your meetings-video calls, phone calls, and uploaded recordings (yes, it works for offline meetings too!)
  • Demodesk gives managers X-ray vision of all conversations, so they can quickly assess what was discussed and where to intervene.
  • Demodesk analyzes each call based on company-specific objectives and key selling points. Just give us your playbook, and we'll tell you how well your team is executing it.

Understand at a glance where your team can improve

  • See all conversation stats and metrics at a glance, and instantly understand what's good, what's bad, and where to improve.
  • Drill down from a bird's eye view to a specific minute of the meeting in seconds
  • Identify areas for improvement with individual coaching area reports that analyze patterns across sessions and show continuous improvement over time
Collaborative virtual screen
Sales processes

Identify trends and uncover insights across conversations

  • Understand trends across all interactions and sales reps, such as top objections, frequently asked questions, or feedback on specific product features
  • Gain insight into the skills and behaviors that differentiate top performers, or turn sales best practices and methodologies into call scripts.

Why Demodesk?

no process change

No process change

Demodesk processes calls without requiring any action from you or your team. You just connect your Google or Microsoft calendar with Demodesk, everything else happens in the background.

More revenue

Set up in 30 seconds

We natively integrate with your calendar, meeting and CRM software. Sign up in 30 seconds using your Google or Microsoft login. The Demodesk notetaker automatically joins your meetings and does the magic.

New Customers

Designed by the best in sales

We’ve analysed >1 million sales calls and worked with the best sales coaches on the planet to develop our AI Sales Coach. We’ve demonstrated that we can improve your sales skills significantly with Demodesk.

Better service

GDPR compliant

Demodesk is made and hosted in secure data centers in the European Union. Fully compliant with GDPR and all other data privacy and compliance regulations including MiFID II or FinVermV.

Process control

Works across platforms

Demodesk Seamlessly Works with Your Existing Stack.  We have native integrations into all major calendar, CRM, meeting, engagement and dialing systems, as well as flexible integration through the Demodesk API.

More insights

Secure & Private

Demodesk prioritizes security. We encrypt recordings, both at rest and in transit, along with authorization and log monitoring, restricted access to recordings, and comprehensive physical and IT security protocols.

Gain critical insights in seconds

Demodesk star


Demodesk star
