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Scaling Revenue Teams in a Hybrid World

Scaling Revenue Teams in a Hybrid World

As the world moves closer to a new normal for work, revenue leaders need to decide how they want to build & scale their teams for success.  Join the on-demand webinar with Elizabeth Hajjar (Sr. Director of Sales @ Highspot) and Lauren Heying (Sr. Director of Global Sales Development @ Optimizely) to get tactical advice for scaling revenue teams in a hybrid world.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to manage reps virtually
  • Tactical steps to level up your team’s skills
  • Hybrid vs remote vs in-person
  • And more!

The Speakers

  • Elizabeth Hajjar, Sr. Director of Sales @ Highspot
  • Lauren Heying, Sr. Director of Global Sales Development @ Optimizely
  • Moderated by: Mallory Lieflander, former Director of Revenue Enablement @ Demodesk

About Demodesk

Demodesk is the #1 customer meeting platform for sales and success. We empower every rep to become a top performer – by guiding sellers in real-time, automating non-selling tasks, engaging customers in the meeting, and analyzing insights at scale.  Learn more about Demodesk, here.

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