30/60/90 Sales Progression Plan

Ramp-up time for a new sales hire typically takes up to six to nine months. Because this has a direct impact on a business’s bottom line, the sales onboarding process must be as efficient as possible, putting the right tools, information, and training in the hands of sales hires on day one. That is why starting with a well-defined 30/60/90 day plan for each new hire will start them off on the right foot.

Use this 30/60/90 Sales Progression Plan to:

  • Understand how to create a plan for new reps
  • Drive knowledge retention
  • Onboard new hires faster
  • Set expectations from day 1

To minimize turnover costs, improve employee retention, boost employee productivity, and decrease sales rep ramp-up time – make improving the sales onboarding process your top priority.

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