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Playbook Implementation Guide to Increase Adoption

A sales playbook is an invaluable tool to help your sales team achieve consistently high-quality meetings. But a playbook is only as useful as its adoption rate. And how it’s rolled out can determine whether or not the effort that went into making it was even worth it.

So what are the pitfalls you need to watch out for? And how do you keep it updated and relevant?

These are just a couple of the points that will be covered by two all-star Sales Enablement experts, Mallory Lieflander and Catherina Giese, as they guide you through how to successfully implement your sales playbook with instructional videos that are both actionable and concise!

What you’ll learn

  • The essentials to include in a sales playbook
  • Playbook implementation pitfalls to avoid
  • How to keep your playbook up-to-date
  • Bonus tip to help your implementation strategy take off

Who is this for

  • Sales Enablement Managers and Sales Leaders who want to ensure that their playbook implementation strategy is a success
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