Demodesk Coaching & AI


Jetzt alle Kundengespräche aufnehmen, transkribieren, übersetzen, analysieren - und Vertriebsteams automatisch coachen mit modernster KI.

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Chorus by Zoominfo


Use the Chorus integration with Demodesk to better send and analyze your sales call recordings directly in the platform. Improve your sales team's techniques by sharing key takeaways and feedback from their sales meetings.

  • No need to manually send recordings to Chorus. The integration allows you to automatically sync recordings to the platform after every call.
  • Record your meetings natively with Demodesk & watch them in Chorus to understand every customer interaction.
  • Break-down customer call recordings in Chorus to streamline coaching and know where to focus your efforts.

About Chorus

Chorus’ Conversation Intelligence platform captures and analyzes all your customer calls, meetings, and emails. Create visibility, drive process and behavior changes, and deliver bottom-line impact.

With Chorus, you can gain actionable insights from your sales conversations to enable effective coaching strategies, share the voice of the customer across the entire organization, and win more competitive deals.

Chorus by Zoominfo
Chorus by Zoominfo
Chorus by Zoominfo
Chorus by Zoominfo
Chorus by Zoominfo

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