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How Tutlo Increased Meeting Data Visibility by 93% to Achieve Actionable Coaching

Software & Technologie
Founded in 2015
300-500 employees
HQ in Warsaw, Poland
How Tutlo Increased Meeting Data Visibility by 93% to Achieve Actionable Coaching

About Tutlo

Tutlo is a one-of-a-kind e-learning platform that allows its students to experience English-language immersion without traveling abroad. Students can talk to native speakers as often as they like and focus on conversation as the key to achieving English fluency.

Their strong inside sales team follows a transactional sales motion where closing on the first call is essential. This means that it’s necessary to enable every consultant with the right tools, resources, and coaching needed to quickly drive each sale forward.

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The Challenges

As a sales coach at Tutlo, Patryk Matejek is responsible for training & coaching Tutlo’s sales consultants to have the most effective meetings possible. But an unreliable method of gathering meeting analytics and no easy way to store and access call recordings made it difficult for him to do his job efficiently.

Before Demodesk, consultants hosted their meetings on GoogleMeet and needed to manually share their meeting results (such as no-show rates) with Patryk afterward. This was not only an inefficient way for him to get the data he needed but also made their KPIs prone to human error and less reliable.

Setting up training sessions with consultants also used to be unnecessarily painful. Patryk needed to personally ask the reps he wanted to work with to email him their recordings. It could take up to a week for him to gather & prepare what he needed to coach them.

In order to coach his team more effectively, Patryk wanted an easier and more reliable way to compile meeting analytics and recordings. He also wanted something that would help him reduce the ramp-up time of new hires so they could become productive faster.

The Solution

With the help of Demodesk’s automatic CRM sync & meeting insights, Patryk can understand if a meeting was successful through clear and reliable analytics. He no longer needs to hunt down recordings or data to understand what happened in each call and coach consultants accordingly.

Demodesk has also played an important role in helping Tutlo bring its sales process to life. The interactivity feature and speaker notes make it easier for reps to engage with their customers. And the playbooks in Demodesk help ensure that their sales process is consistently implemented across the whole team.

In fact, with the help of Demodesk’s built-in speaker notes and playbooks, Tutlo has managed to decrease the ramp-up time of its new hires from 3 months to 1.5 months!

The Results

According to Patryk, Demodesk’s biggest impact has been automating data collection and syncing it with their CRM to make KPIs around meeting activity 93% more transparent & reliable.

With Demodesk, it is not a challenge anymore to implement processes successfully across the whole sales organization. It is much easier than before, bringing their sales process to life, efficiently.

Equipping new hires with a ready-to-use tool like Demodesk has also helped them decrease their ramp-up time by 50%.

And being able to store all the recordings in one easily accessible location saves Patryk up to a week’s worth of time per month on coaching prep work. Now all he has to do is filter through his sales consultants in Demodesk to find the recording he needs.

Want to know whether Demodesk can give you more visibility into your sales data and help ramp your new reps in record time? Hop on a call with us here, and let’s find out!

Key Results

- Eliminated 9+ hrs. of admin tasks per week - Increased data quality & transparency across the organization by 93% - Decreased new hire ramp time from 3 months to 1.5 months

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