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How alphin Uses Demodesk to Standardize their Sales Processes

Software & Technologie
Founded in 2017
50-200 employees
HQ in Berlin, Germany
How alphin Uses Demodesk to Standardize their Sales Processes

With popular video sharing platforms like TikTok and Instagram on the rise, it comes as no surprise that the market for influencers is estimated to be worth more than 15 Billion USD by 2022, according to data from Harvard Business School. Social media user numbers jumped by more than 13% over the past year, up to 53% of the world's population in total.

About alphin

alphin, founded in 2016 and located in Berlin, seeks to capitalize on this industry growth. Their first software was their influencer marketing platform, connecting small local businesses with influencers. However, very quickly they have expanded into complementary services for businesses like Instagram account management, professional photoshoots, cross-platform management, and more. This makes them a one-stop shop for local companies that want to boost their online presence.

Most Importantly, alphin wants to maintain its rapid growth, sales director, Steffen Stoltman and his team of 25 sales professionals wanted to triple their MPR within a year. To accomplish this goal, they first had to resolve lingering challenges that were suppressing their revenue potential.

The Challenge

  • Labor-intensive meeting scheduling
  • Unstructured content management
  • Lack of centralized meeting data

1. Labor-intensive meeting scheduling

Scheduling meetings was a lot of manual work for the sales team. Primarily serving a market of small businesses also supported higher no-show rates causing frustration amongst reps.

2. Unstructured content management

Managing different presentations and templates for the CS, inside sales, and field sales teams turned into an organizational nightmare. It was easy to lose perspective, have a lack of team alignment and transparency, and create a misalignment between the revenue teams.

3. Uncentralized meeting data

Although Steffen encourages his team to make data-driven decisions, their tools didn’t have the capability to collect data and analyze it in Salesforce.

The Solution

Alphin Social Media Software

With these challenges in mind, they decided to try Demodesk, a revolutionary customer online meeting platform, specifically tailored to the needs of revenue teams. Here’s how Demodesk helped solve their main pain points.

1. Leveraging scheduling automation

Demodesk has helped alphin to remove the manual aspect of the scheduling process, including automatically sending invites and reminders to prospects for upcoming demos. This helped tackle their high no-show rates, reduce the time wasted on manual tasks, and resulted in more face-to-face meetings with customers.

2. Streamlining content management

Using the event type feature built into Demodesk, the sales team is able to create different types of meetings along with:

  • Preloaded playbooks
  • Automatic reminders & email confirmations
  • Customized content for each team

Furthermore, the preset content is centrally managed, so there is no confusion about the latest version of a playbook. Each playbook is standardized based on best practices to allow anyone to host an effective meeting. In addition, sales teams will always know what to say in a meeting while using talk tracks and battle cards.

Steffen Stoltmann Sales Director
"Demodesk is fully integrated into SFDC, which makes it easier to track all the data that sales teams produce. This allows us to find areas in the sales process that we can optimize." - Steffen Stoltmann Sales Director

3. Centralizing meeting data with CRM sync

Especially in a fast-moving startup, making sense of all the data your sales teams produce is critical. Demodesk allows to collect the data in a meeting and gather it through custom fields that sync to Salesforce. As a result, the data is always up-to-date and transparent for use further down the funnel.

To sum up, alphin uses Demodesk to leverage automated scheduling workflows, streamline content management, and centralize meeting data in Salesforce. Each of these aspects allows their revenue teams to:

  • Scale their processes in a lean way
  • Standardize their meeting processes &
  • Consistently assess the quality of sales calls
Book meetings in seconds with automated scheduling and lead routing

Key Results

- Saved reps time by automatically syncing meeting data with their CRM - Created a consistent narrative amongst reps with streamlined Playbooks - Significantly reduced no-show rates and manual tasks by automating scheduling workflows

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