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New Normal of B2B SaaS Sales: Interview w/ Jens Hutzschenreuter

New Normal of B2B SaaS Sales: Interview w/ Jens Hutzschenreuter
Veronika Wax
October 29, 2020

COVID has changed the global business landscape dramatically. As businesses are facing tremendous challenges, we wonder how demos need to be approached to survive in this new world.

In the “New Normal of B2B SaaS Sales” mini-interview series, we invite the top sales leaders to share their insights, learnings, and best practices in regards to what will come next in sales. Rather, what will be “the new normal”?‍

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‍In this episode, we present Jens Hutzschenreuter, founder of deal advisory Digital Business Group and former VP of sales at Groupon. Watch the interview to get his insights into motivating your team and playbooks in the US vs. Germany.

Part 1

Key questions answered:

  • Who is Jens Hutzschenreuter?
  • How are hardware-focused businesses changing their business strategy due to COVID?
  • How should the messaging in your team's demos change?
  • Why is the average sales cycle getting longer?
  • What are the main differences between playbooks for American vs. German prospects?

Part 2

Key questions answered:

  • How do you identify areas for optimization in your current demo script?
  • How does the rule of 10 help to reliably implement changes to the demo structure in large teams?
  • How can tools help you be more effective as a sales leader?
  • What are some strategies to motivate your team?
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